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Website using CMS Mambo [INFO]

Last modified: October 1, 2022
Estimated reading time: 1 min

Website using/on Mambo CMS

Recently, our security team received an alert about a number of websites people develop using CMS. Mambo faces the following issues – many hackers have been defacing their websites, due to a lack of CMS updates since 2008.

So, our security admin would like to advise all the users to phase out or stop using Mambo in their website application or interface as may cause their website to be defaced or hacked.

If you need any further assistance on this, please get back to us.

Thank you and have a nice day.

Here is some extra information...

What is Mambo CMS?

Mambo (or we call it Mambo Open Source or MOS) was a free programming/open-source content administration framework (CMS). We often use it in making and overseeing sites through a straightforward web interface. Its last launch was in 2008, by which time the greater part of the engineers had left for successors of the venture, for the most part, Joomla and MiaCMS.

Mambo includes elements such as page reserving to enhance execution on occupied destinations. Besides, it also includes progressed template methods, and a genuinely strong Programming interface giving RSS channels. Not only that, Mambo robotizes numerous errands, including web indexing of static pages. The interface highlights include printable forms of pages, news flashes, web journals, discussions, surveys, date-books, a site looking, dialect internationalization, and others.

Furthermore, Mambo Establishment is responsible to secure the rights to the Mambo CMS codebase, name, and copyrights. It is a non-benefit organization framed to bolster and advance the Mambo Open Source venture. The Mambo Establishment helps to cultivate the advancement of the Mambo framework and to shield the venture from dangers and abuse. Mambo is business-arranged, written in PHP, and it utilizes the MySQL database.

Moreover, Mambo was initially created by Miro Global. We can utilize it on Linux, Unix, Windows, and Macintosh OS X servers length of it runs PHP and MySQL, it can run Mambo. Besides that, Mambo is an ideal and useful tool for designers and unpracticed clients alike. They are people who need a basic yet exquisite approach to convey proficient sites quickly.

Its Advantages

  • High secure programming improvement
  • Simple & sensible custom Mambo programming arrangements
  • Sensible improvement expenses as well as time diminishing outsourcing
  • Lifetime support & backing for existing Mambo applications
  • Full Mambo programming applications

You can download Mambo CMS through this link:

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