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Check the Version of cPanel/WHM

Last modified: September 30, 2022
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Checking cPanel / WHM Version by ‘cpanel’ Command

Using the cPanel command:

/usr/local/cpanel/cpanel -V

11.50.0 (build 27)

Checking cPanel / WHM Version by Version File

Using the version file:

cat /usr/local/cpanel/version

Checking cPanel / WHM Version at WHM Dashboard

  1. Firstly, login to cPanel.

  2. Next, click Server Information in the right margin of the screen.

  3. Search for cPanel Version under Item section. You should see the cPanel version listed here along with other software versions.

We hope this article helped you to learn about how to check your cPanel / WHM Version. For more articles, please go to Knowledge Base.

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