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Windows VPS Hosting

6 Best Reasons To Choose Windows VPS Hosting Over Shared Hosting

You may not recognise the hidden benefits of adopting a virtual private server (Windows VPS Hosting) if you presently have a shared hosting account or are just starting out on your digital adventure. Too many website owners believe that they only have two options: shared hosting or renting a dedicated server. However, there is a great compromise with the power and control required to build a thriving, comprehensive website or application midway between the limited resources of shared hosting and the overwhelming mass of dedicated hosting.

Why should you choose Windows VPS Hosting?

“Those looking for scalable, dependable hosting resources at a reasonable monthly price might choose a virtual private server (VPS).” That, however, does not define virtual private servers or explain how they work. 

Virtual private servers are virtual machines that are separated and run on a physical server. Each VPS is divided into sections with a specific amount of power, bandwidth, and storage. Users have complete control over the resources within their VPS because each server is partitioned, and there are no noisy neighbours that threaten security and reliability.

While this fast introduction covers the fundamentals of a virtual private server, it leaves out the advantages that users gain when they pick VPS. Here are six reasons why you should get a VPS rather than renewing your shared hosting contract for another year:

1. Root Access

Each VPS comes with complete root access, allowing you to control everything about your hosting platform. You can update and install applications whenever you wish. Do you require a quick restart? It’s no problem!

2. Scalable

Creating a website is a long-term project. You may start with low-traffic sections that appear at odd times throughout the day. However, as the popularity of your website develops, you’ll need more resources to keep up with the demand. When you use a virtual private server (VPS), you can add resources as needed and remove them as needed.

3. High Security

As the term implies, shared hosting puts you at risk of having your security hacked by other users on the same server. Instead, you may take control of your security and eliminate the threat that other users represent to your platform by renting a VPS. To protect your data, you can make your security measures as rigorous or as loose as you like.

4. Inexpensive

You might be thinking at this point in the article that you can’t possible afford a system with all of the aforementioned advantages. Leasing a virtual private server, on the other hand, is far less expensive than you might expect. VPS scalability allows you to pick how much you spend based on the number of nodes you use.

5. Choice of OS

The operating system you use on your VPS is fully up to you, whether you like Linux distros or Windows OS. We support Red Hat, CentOS, Ubuntu, and other Linux distributions. You can choose the tools and operating system you need to succeed with a VPS.

6. 24-Hour Support

Our skilled support team is available to answer your hardest questions at any time of day or night, whether it’s first thing in the morning, last thing before bed, or in the middle of the night. VPS.NET is committed to you and your projects, which is why we are always ready to provide assistance and resolve issues. Whether you prefer to communicate through ticket, phone, or chat, you’ll have the answers you need in minutes.

For more information about cheap Windows VPS Hosting Plans, feel free to visit our Casbay Malaysia Website. Here’re some of the articles related to VPS hosting :