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Tips for WordPress Beginners

WordPress is open source software, its easier blogging and website content management. It is an excellent website platform for example as e-commerce to business and portfolio website, wordpress is a versatile CMS. Have two ways to downloaded for self-hosted installations or from used as a hosted service. Lets start wordpress NOW

Here the tips for wordpress beginners:


Images is main point interest to your pages. Every time you upload an image to your website, you have the keyword in your image title and alternate text fields.The title tag for your image generates the helpful little text that appears when someone hovers over that image.


Your Media Library is where to put the file, it is same way than WordPress. Creating one integrated folder where you place all your media makes it easy to search by just plug in a keyword and you’ll have the file you’re looking for in no time.

Targeted titles and descriptions
WordPress-LINKEDIN-Targeted titles and descriptions

For WordPress Beginners when you share your posts and pages on Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn, these services pick up a page title and description to go with the link you share. And when your page turns up as a result in a search engine, the title and description are what people use to decide whether or not to click on your link. Here the tips to Secure WordPress Website