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Fix Windows VPS Server

Simple steps to fix windows VPS server crashing

Windows VPS server does provide a dedicated resource to host a website, but it still has the risk of crashing down due to some reason. To ensure the windows VPS server hosting working fine all the time, the client needs to know some ways to try reviving the VPS themselves when the VPS crashing occurs accidentally at any time.

Firstly, you can check the RAM and CPU usage through the Task Manager. When the usage exceeds the optimal level of your VPS resource, it will cause your VPS to undergo a heavy server workload and crash. At this moment, you can try to lower down workload assigned for the server manually.

The second simple step is that you can search for the junk data and delete the unnecessary data. If your windows virtual hosting is in a hard disk condition of 90% full, your server will start to slow down and even lead to crashing. You can either remove the junk file or upgrade the plan to gain more resources.

You can also check the crashing information through Event Viewer. The problem can be solved more accurately in a specific way after identifying the detail of the problem.

After the steps, each server service needs to be recovery separately before the VPS can run normally. You can also set up automatic service recovery.

If you need more information about Windows VPS, feel free to check out our Casbay Malaysia Website.